Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vocabulary #4

1. apostate: a person who foresakes his religion, cause, or party
"They consider all sinners apostates."

2. effusive: unduly demonstrative; overflowing
"The effusive lesson left the students without any knowledge of the content."

3. impasse: a position or situation in which there is no escape
"Attemps were made to overcome the impossible impasse."

4. euphoria: a state of intense happiness or self-confidence
"The girl was in a state of euphoria after she kissed her crush."

5. lugubrious: mournful, dismal, gloomy usually in an exaggerated manner
"The lugubrious man slumped around after he was just dumped by his girlfriend."

6. bravado: a pretentious swaggering display of courage
"The man's bravado attitude could either come off as proud or arrogant."

7. consensus: majority of opinion
"The consensus of the people voted to have open campus for the school."

8. dichotomy: division into two parts usually between two opposed parts or kinds
"Dichotomy becomes possible after the world has overcome all it's problems and found peace with another."

9. constrict: to draw or press in; shrink or stop from growing
"The boa constricted it's prey eventually killing it."

10. gothic: style of art developed in France during the 12th century showing great detail
"This gothic style of art is so detailed and fascinating!"

11. punctilio: a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony, or procedure
"They will not part with the least punctilio in their opinions and practices."

12. metamorphosis: change from one state to another
"Butterflies go through metamorphorsis as they transform from a catepillar to a butterfly."

13. raconteur: a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly
"He is a born raconteur, lover of life, and communicator."

14. sine qua non: an indispensable condition
"He buys his grapes for his sine qua non wine."

15. quixotic: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic
"Many readers are attracted to the quixotic stories rather than realistic romance."

16. vendetta: any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, or contention
"The two families have a certain vendetta towards each other which makes it hard for them to ever get along."

17. non sequitur: a statement containing an illogical conclusion
"The story had a non sequitur at the end which through off the whole idea of it."

18. mystique: a framework of doctrines, ideas, or beliefs
"He has retained a certain mystique that make him quite a catch for the girls."

19. quagmire: a situation from which extrication is very difficult
"The puzzle is quite a quagmire!"

20. parlous: dangerous; clever; shrewd
"The parlous state of the economy takes a toll on the lives of the people in the United States."

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